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A-Z Index and Glossary

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  • P/G (Project/Grant) Number

    Project/Grant (P/G) is a value used in the university's financial system to identify a specific pool of money or activity over a finite period of time. This value will always begin with a letter that indicates what type of P/G it is (e.g., sponsored awards begin with an F for Federal or an N for Non-Federal).

    Also see: 

  • PA

    Program Announcement

  • PAC (Project Award Change) (legacy term)

    See Modfications. Project Award Changes (PACs) is a legacy term. PACs were the modifications distributed in a legacy version of the eResearch Proposal Management System (eRPM) to identify any changes in terms and conditions, additional funding, time extensions, and other modifications (such as a no-cost time extension) after an award notice goes out. This document most closely relates to the Modification that is now requested using the Request Action/Modification.

    The Project Award Change and the Modification should not be confused with the Post Award Change Request Process and Form (sometimes called a PACR).

    Also see: 

  • PACR or Post-Award Change Request form (legacy term for ACR)

    The PACR was the Post-Award Change Request form. Award Change Requests (ACRs) are managed through eRPM.

  • PAF (Proposal Approval Form)

    Proposal Approval Form (PAF).

    The PAF is a summary of information about the project that is used for internal review and approval and data management. It contains proposal information that must be routed via the U-M eResearch Proposal Management system and signed by university officials.

  • PAN - Project Award Notice (legacy term)

    A Project Award Notice (PAN) was the document name used for an award notice in a legacy process of managing awards. It was not a substitution of the award, but simply a document acknowledging that the award was coming. This term was used at the University of Michigan for many years, even back in the “paper” system that preceded the 2008 launch of the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system.

    The PANs associated with legacy PAFs (those closed out before the August 20, 2018, Award Management launch) can be viewed under Manage Data > View All Award Notices on the PAF workspace in eRPM.

    Learn more about how  Awards work at the University of Michigan.

  • Parallel Proposals

    When a proposal is submitted to more than one sponsor with the understanding that funding would be accepted from only one sponsor.

  • Parent Account

    The main Project/Grant (P/G) to which Sub P/G's are subsidiary.

    Also see: 


  • PBSR

    Project Budget Status Report

  • PD

    Project Director


    PEERRSProgram for Education and Evaluation in Responsible Research and Scholarship, is the university's online resource providing regulatory and responsible conduct of research (RCR) training courses for employees and students.

  • PHI

    Protected Health Information


    Public Health Service/National Institutes of Health

  • Pilot Grant (Seed Grant)

    A small project that is generally funded through internal sources to help develop a project to the point where external funding can be obtained. See U-M Faculty Grants & Awards.

  • PMS

    Payment Management System

  • PMS

    Payment Management System

  • PO

    Purchase Order

  • Post Award Change

    For post-award changes the Award Change Request is required. Using eRPM, thisis to be used by Principal Investigators (PIs) and Project Teams to submit requests for changes to active, funded projects. Sometimes ORSP may have the authority to approve the requested change; other times, prior sponsor approval is necessary before ORSP can process the change. Therefore, this form must be submitted to ORSP early enough to allow time for administrative processing and, when applicable, early enough to secure the sponsor's approval in advance of the requested change.

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  • Post-Submission / Pre-Award

    In the research lifecycle there is a period after you have Routed and Submitted your proposal, and before it's been awarded, that you additional steps are needed. We refer to this as the Post-Submission / Pre-Award and associate it with Setup Project in the Project Lifecycle.

  • PR

    Project Representative
