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COI Annual Review Process
There are three (3) COI Review processes:
- Initial Review
- Determination & Response to Management
- Annual Review
Situations where the committee determined that management is required for an existing conflict are reviewed annually.
As a U-M employee, you participate in the Annual Review process either as the conflicted individual or as someone with an oversight role (e.g., ombudsperson).
Annual Review of a Conflict Situation
All active COI Management Plans are reviewed on a regular basis (at least annually) to verify:
- That the conflict of interest still exists
- The individuals involved in the situation and their roles with the research or external entity
- The individuals, such as ombudspersons, that have a role in the management of the conflict of interest
- That disclosure of the conflict situation has occurred to students, in publications, etc., as appropriate
Using M-Inform
At this time, the conflicted individual and other individuals required to review a COI Management Plan receive an email with a link to the Annual Review (AR) in M-Inform. Using the AR, you will answer a series of questions to update the detail related to the management plan. Submission of your answers in M-Inform allows the COI Office to conduct the review, which may include revisions of the plan. Revisions require accepting the updated plan in M-Inform. (See the Responding to a COI Management Plan section for more information.)
Potential Annual Review Outcomes
Upon completion of the annual review, the COI Management Plan may have one of the following states:
- Under Management: The conflict of interest situation continues to be managed via annual review.
- Management Ended – Awaiting Publication: The research project has ended, but the disclosure of the conflict of interest is required in subsequent publications or presentations of the research results.
- Management Ended: The research project has ended. Subsequent annual review for the conflict situation is not required.
- Conflict Eliminated: The relationship with the external entity has ended. Subsequent annual review for the conflict situation is not required.
References and Resources
- Submit Information for the Annual Review of your COI Management Plan (for conflicted individual) M-Inform instructions to access, answer, and submit the Annual Review questionnaire for a conflict of interest situation.
- Submit the Annual Review Response for a COI Management Plan (for ombudsperson, monitor, etc. M-Inform instructions for individuals in an oversight role (e.g., ombudsperson) to access, answer, and submit the Annual Review of a conflict of interest situation.
For questions regarding the Annaul Review process, email [email protected].