U-M Research & Compliance

Directory & Guidance

This page is regularly updated with information that might be helpful to study teams on various topics, including:

  • IRB-HSBS practices
  • Regulatory resources
  • Tip sheets
  • Decision trees
  • Completing research applications and submitting reports in eResearch
  • Document templates

Information is listed in alpha order.  Use the shortcut bar to go to a section, then click the link for the topic of interest.  If you don’t immediately see the information you seek, consider thinking of a broader term or concept (e.g., if searching for “Child Assent”, consider looking under “Assent”).


This page is intended for use by study teams on the Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses having research under review and oversight by IRB-HSBS.

Researchers having studies under review and oversight by IRBMED should refer to IRBMED website for specific information about their practices, procedures, application requirements, etc.

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