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U-M Start-Up Company Disclosure Process
M-Inform is the university's outside disclosure system.
Log into M-Inform
(UMICH uniqname and password required)
As a U-M employee, student, or trainee, you must maintain a Company Profile in M-Inform if you develop a start-up company that does the following:
- Options, licenses, distributes, or commercializes intellectual property (e.g., technology) developed at the university, and/or
- Does other research-related business with the university (e.g., sponsors the research)
When a new start-up company is identified, either by the U-M Office of Technology Transfer or through the COI question on the proposal application form (PAF) in eResearch, the appropriate COI Office initiates a Company Profile in M-Inform. A system email is sent to you, as the UM Company Contact Person, as a notice to update the information in the Company Profile. The information you provide in the Company Profile assists the COI Offices in their review and management of potential conflicts of interest.
Researcher Roles & Responsibilities
Employees can submit a request to have students and trainees join or work for U-M startup companies through our online form.
As the UM Company Contact Person for the start-up company, you are responsible for:
- Initially completing the Company Profile in M-Inform
- Identifying U-M personnel and students affiliated with your company and their role with your company
- Updating the Company Profile in M-Inform, at least annually. This may be done as part of the COI Annual Review process.
References and Resources
- Update Your Company Profile in M-Inform Instructions to enter information about your start-up company in M-Inform. This information is required for the conflict of interest review at U-M when someone options, licenses, distributes, or commercializes intellectual property developed at the university.
Start-Up Tipsheet for U-M Employees
Approval and disclosure tips for U-M employees thinking of starting or joining a start-up company. (PDF) Last updated 04/10/2023
For questions regarding your Company Profile, contact the U-M COI Offices at [email protected].