An Unfunded Agreement (or UFA -- rhymes with "loofah") is simply a record in the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system (like a PAF or an AWD) that represents a non-financial agreement with a sponsor, such as a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA), Data Use Agreement (DUA), Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), or Cooperative Research Agreement.
The UFA process is completed using the PI Sign UFA activity in the UFA workspace and must be "signed" in the system by the principal investigator (PI) before ORSP review.
- eResearch Quick Reference Card - Unfunded Agreements (UFAs) PI/Project Team This is a quick reference card created by U-M Information Technology Services (ITS) for use on the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system.
- Proposal Management Website: PI Sign UFA Reference Guide (ITS eResearch Documentation) Before the final agreement can be executed, the Contact PI must “sign” the UFA and a corresponding Conflict of Interest Statement before routing to ORSP. This process is completed using the Sign UFA activity in the UFA workspace and, again, this must be signed by the PI in advance of ORSP review.