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Research Compliance Training Resources

Check with your school, college, unit

For the most part, your school, college or unit will direct you to the best training options for your area of work or study, often providing compliance training that includes unit policies and procedures.  

As a U-M faculty, student or staff member involved in the conduct of research, you may be required or requested to take compliance training for a variety of reasons (e.g., federal requirements) and on a variety of topics, such as:

  • Responsible conduct of research (e.g., authorship, mentoring, conflicts of interest, data collection & dissemination, etc.)
  • Subject protection (e.g., human subjects protections, animal handling, etc.)
  • Research safety (e.g., working with blood-borne pathogens, radiation, biohazards, etc.) 

Training Resources

The following list represents a starting point to help you determine which training you need and provide access to that training option.

References and Resources

  • PEERRS Website Program for the Education and Evaluation in Responsible Conduct of Research (PEERRS) offers online compliance courses for human subjects protection, export controls, responsible conduct of research, and more. If you are a U-M investigator on a sponsored research grant or contract, an IRB protocol, or a Technology Control Plan (TCP) you are required to complete the applicable PEERRS course(s).  
  • HRPP Education Resources Website listing multiple U-M resources for human subjects protection training, including specific PEERRS courses, Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training options, IRB seminars, etc.
  • Responsible Conduct of Research Training Website explaining the federal regulations regarding responsible conduct of research training for faculty and students, including a list of topics, and information about U-M programs.
  • Animal Care & Use Training The Unit of Laboratory Medicine (ULAM) Training Core provides training in the proper care and human use of animals to all U-M personnel who work with animals in research, testing, or teaching.  Animal care and use classes are assigned in MLearning, and are based on an individual's specific tasks and animal handling details as defined by the Principal Investigator in their animal use protocol.
  • Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Education U-M EHS website containing menu options to view courses, requirements for safety training (e.g., laboratory, radiation, protective clothing), and contact information.  If you work in a research laboratory or are responsible for those working in a lab, you will need to take one or more compliance course from EHS.
  • CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) provides online regulatory compliance training.  U-M offers a variety of courses through it's CITI subscription.  To access the courses, first create a free account with CITI, affiliate with the University of Michigan as part of the account set-up, then select the course(s) you wish to complete.
  • Office of Research Education & Training Medical School webpage with links to training, educational resources, and information.