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HRPP Advisory Council

The HRPP Advisory Council provides recommendations to the U-M Institutional Official (Vice President for Research) and Deputy Institutional Official (Vice President for Research-Clinical and Human Subjects Research) with regard to HRPP policies and procedures, and identifies priority areas for improvement to enhance the effectiveness of the program.  This council may also focus on specific topics and question areas of interest and importance to the HRPP and bring the perspectives of the U-M research community to the deliberations of the Council.

The Council includes representation from a broad base of the research community.

Role Name School/College/Organization
Voting Sung Choi, MD, MS Pediatrics, Michigan Medicine
William Elliot, III, PhD Social Work 
Amanda Esquivel, PhD Dearborn, Engineering and Computer Science
Karen Farris, PhD Pharmacy
Margherita Fontana, MS Dentistry
Susan Gelman, PhD Psychology and Linguistics, LS&A
Carrie Karvonen-Gutierrez, PhD Epidemiology, School of Public Health
Julie Lumeng, MD AVP for Research-Clinical Human Subjects Research (Co-Chair)
Meilan Han, MD MS, Internal Medicine
Narayan Sastry, PhD Survey Research Center
Florian Schaub, PhD Information, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Robert Silbergleit, MD Emergency Medicine, Michigan Medicine
Non-voting Kate Sasamoto Interim HRPP Associate Director (Co-Chair)
Judy Birk Exec. IRB Director and HRPP Associate Director
Pat Ward Director, Regulatory Affairs
Michael Geisser Co-Chair, IRBMED
Amy Filbrun Co-Chair, IRBMED
Robertson Davenport Co-Chair, IRBMED
Thad Polk Co-Chair, IRB-HSBS
Riann Palmieri-Smith Co-Chair, IRB-HSBS



To ask a question, express concerns, or provide suggestions about human research protections at U-M, please send a message to [email protected].