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What is considered "in-kind" support for Other Support reporting purposes?

What is considered "in-kind" support for Other Support reporting purposes?

To be included in Other Support, an in-kind (i.e., non-monetary) resource must meet all the following criteria:

  • The resource is uniquely available to the researcher, and
  • The resource has been provided by a non-UM entity (either domestic or foreign) within the past three years, and
  • The resource will not be used on the proposed project.
  • The resource is being used actively in support of any of an investigator's other research endeavors (aside from the proposed project).

Types of in-kind resources include, but are not limited to:

  • Personnel (e.g., visiting scholars, visiting students, supported by a non-UM entity)
  • Space
  • Equipment
  • Materials
  • Supplies

Warning IconIn-kind resources intended for use on the proposed project should be included in the 'Facilities and Other Resources' or 'Equipment' section of the application and not as part of Other Support.