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Short Names and Direct and Prime Sponsor Codes for U.S. Federal Entities in eRPM

Research administrators (RAs) may be required to select a sponsor code for a direct and/or prime sponsor if the sponsor is a U.S. Federal Government entity ("federal entity" or "entity"). Each federal entity in eRPM has two sponsor codes, depending upon whether the entity is the Direct sponsor or the Prime sponsor (indicated by "Subcontracts" or "SubK"). 

The RA selects the sponsor code and routes the PAF to ORSP. ORSP staff will validate the selection. RAs should avoid checking "not found" or requesting a new sponsor code. Important: All National Institutes of Health (NIH) projects use either 895700 when direct sponsor, or 895800 when prime sponsor, this includes the NIH member institutes (e.g., National Cancer Institute or National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases).

Browse Table of Shortnames and Codes for Federal Sponsors in eRPM

Below is a complete list of the federal entities that can be selected as a sponsor in eRPM.

Sponsor Code Sponsor Name (eRPM Official Name) Sponsor Short Name
863400 Agriculture, Department of DoA-US
863450 Agriculture, Department of-Subcontracts DoA-US-SubK
865500 Central Intelligence Agency CIA-US
865510 Central Intelligence Agency-Subcontracts CIA-US-SubK
869100 Commerce, Department of-Economic & Statistics Administration ESA-DoC-US
869110 Commerce, Department of-Economic & Statistics Administration-Subcontracts ESA-DoC-US-SubK
869400 Commerce, Department of-Economic Development Administration EDA-DoC-US
869410 Commerce, Department of-Economic Development Administration-Subcontracts EDA-DoC-US-SubK
869480 Commerce, Department of-International Trade Administration ITA-DoC-US
869485 Commerce, Department of-International Trade Administration-Subcontracts ITA-DoC-US-SubK
869600 Commerce, Department of-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA-DoC-US
869650 Commerce, Department of-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Subcontracts NOAA-DoC-US-SubK
869690 Commerce, Department of-National Institute of Standards & Technology NIST-DoC-US
869695 Commerce, Department of-National Institute of Standards & Technology-Subcontracts NIST-DoC-US-SubK
869700 Commerce, Department of-Office of the Secretary OS-DoC-US
869710 Commerce, Department of-Office of the Secretary-Subcontracts OS-DoC-US-SubK
869950 Congressional Budget Office CBO-US
869960 Congressional Budget Office-Subcontracts CBO-US-SubK
869980 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau CFPB-US
869985 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau-Subcontracts CFPB-US-SubK
870000 Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC-US
870010 Consumer Product Safety Commission-Subcontracts CPSC-US-SubK
871000 Corporation for National and Community Service CNCS-US
871002 Corporation for National and Community Service-Subcontracts CNCS-US-SubK
875900 Defense, Department of-Air Force, Department of the AirForce-DoD-US
877300 Defense, Department of-Air Force, Department of the-Subcontracts AirForce-DoD-US-SubK
882150 Defense, Department of-Army, Department of the Army-DoD-US
882700 Defense, Department of-Army, Department of the-Subcontracts Army-DoD-US-SubK
885000 Defense, Department of-Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA-DoD-US
885002 Defense, Department of-Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency-Subcontracts DARPA-DoD-US-SubK
885300 Defense, Department of-Defense Health Agency DHA-DoD-US
885310 Defense, Department of-Defense Health Agency-Subcontracts DHA-DoD-US-SubK
885400 Defense, Department of-Defense Intelligence Agency DIA-DoD-US
885410 Defense, Department of-Defense Intelligence Agency-Subcontracts DIA-DoD-US-SubK
885500 Defense, Department of-Defense Logistics Agency DLA-DoD-US
885505 Defense, Department of-Defense Logistics Agency-Subcontracts DLA-DoD-US-SubK
885600 Defense, Department of-Defense Threat Reduction Agency DTRA-DoD-US
885605 Defense, Department of-Defense Threat Reduction Agency-Subcontracts DTRA-DoD-US-SubK
885700 Defense, Department of-Missile Defense Agency MDA-DoD-US
885705 Defense, Department of-Missile Defense Agency-Subcontracts MDA-DoD-US-SubK
885750 Defense, Department of-National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NGIA-DoD-US
885755 Defense, Department of-National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency-Subcontracts NGIA-DoD-US-SubK
885760 Defense, Department of-National Reconnaissance Office NRO-DoD-US
885765 Defense, Department of-National Reconnaissance Office-Subcontracts NRO-DoD-US-SubK
885800 Defense, Department of-National Security Agency NSA-DoD-US
885810 Defense, Department of-National Security Agency-Subcontracts NSA-DoD-US-SubK
886300 Defense, Department of-Navy, Department of the Navy-DoD-US
887000 Defense, Department of-Navy, Department of the-Subcontracts Navy-DoD-US-SubK
887100 Defense, Department of-Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation OLDCC-DoD-US
887105 Defense, Department of-Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation-Subcontracts OLDCC-DoD-US-SubK
887500 Defense, Department of-Unified Combatant Commands UCC-DoD-US
887505 Defense, Department of-Unified Combatant Commands-Subcontracts UCC-DoD-US-SubK
888000 Defense, Department of-Office of the Secretary OS-DoD-US
888050 Defense, Department of-Office of the Secretary-Subcontracts OS-DoD-US-SubK
888610 Education, Department of-Programs-Office of Student Financial Assistance Programs POSFAP-DoEd-US
888620 Education, Department of-Programs-Office of Student Financial Assistance Programs-Subcontracts POSFAP-DoEd-US-SubK
888880 Education, Department of DoEd-US
888890 Education, Department of-Subcontracts DoEd-US-SubK
889000 Energy, Department of DoE-US
889010 Energy, Department of-Subcontracts DoE-US-SubK
891300 Environmental Protection Agency EPA-US
891400 Environmental Protection Agency-Subcontracts EPA-US-SubK
891700 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC-US
891710 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission-Subcontracts EEOC-US-SubK
891900 Federal Communications Commission FCC-US
891910 Federal Communications Commission-Subcontracts FCC-US-SubK
892500 Federal Housing Finance Board FHFB-US
892510 Federal Housing Finance Board-Subcontracts FHFB-US-SubK
893000 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service FMCS-US
893010 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service-Subcontracts FMCS-US-SubK
893700 Federal Reserve System FRS-US
893710 Federal Reserve System-Subcontracts FRS-US-SubK
893750 Federal Trade Commission FTC-US
893760 Federal Trade Commission-Subcontracts FTC-US-SubK
893900 Government Accountability Office GAO-US
893910 Government Accountability Office-Subcontracts GAO-US-SubK
894100 General Services Administration GSA-US
894110 General Services Administration-Subcontracts GSA-US-SubK
894600 Health and Human Services, Department of-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ-DHHS-US
894605 Health and Human Services, Department of-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality-Subcontracts AHRQ-DHHS-US-SubK
894800 Health and Human Services, Department of-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMMS-DHHS-US
894805 Health and Human Services, Department of-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-Subcontracts CMMS-DHHS-US-SubK
894900 Health and Human Services, Department of-Administration for Children and Families ACF-DHHS-US
894910 Health and Human Services, Department of-Administration for Children and Families-Subcontracts ACF-DHHS-US-SubK
895100 Health and Human Services, Department of-Administration for Community Living ACL-DHHS-US
895110 Health and Human Services, Department of-Administration for Community Living-Subcontracts ACL-DHHS-US-SubK
895300 Health and Human Services, Department of-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDCP-DHHS-US
895310 Health and Human Services, Department of-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-Subcontracts CDCP-DHHS-US-SubK
895400 Health and Human Services, Department of-Food and Drug Administration FDA-DHHS-US
895410 Health and Human Services, Department of-Food and Drug Administration-Subcontracts FDA-DHHS-US-SubK
895500 Health and Human Services, Department of-Health Resources and Services Administration HRSA-DHHS-US
895510 Health and Human Services, Department of-Health Resources and Services Administration-Subcontracts HRSA-DHHS-US-SubK
895600 Health and Human Services, Department of-Indian Health Service HIS-DHHS-US
895610 Health and Human Services, Department of-Indian Health Service-Subcontracts HIS-DHHS-US-SubK
895700 Health and Human Services, Department of-National Institutes of Health NIH-DHHS-US
895800 Health and Human Services, Department of-National Institutes of Health-Subcontracts NIH-DHHS-US-SubK
895850 Health and Human Services, Department of-Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adm. SAMHSA-DHHS-US
895851 Health and Human Services, Department of-Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adm.-Subcontract SAMHSA-DHHS-US-SubK
899980 Health and Human Services, Department of-Office of the Secretary OS-DHHS-US
899990 Health and Human Services, Department of-Office of the Secretary-Subcontracts OS-DHHS-US-SubK
901000 Homeland Security, Department of DoHS-US
901001 Homeland Security, Department of-Subcontracts DoHS-US-SubK
901900 Housing and Urban Development, Department of HUD-US
901950 Housing and Urban Development, Department of-Subcontracts HUD-US-SubK
902750 United States Institute of Peace USIP-US
902760 United States Institute of Peace-Subcontracts USIP-US-SubK
902900 Inter-American Foundation IAF-US
902910 Inter-American Foundation-Subcontracts IAF-US-SubK
903000 Interior, Department of the DoI-US
903100 Interior, Department of the-Subcontracts DoI-US-SubK
903600 United States Agency for International Development USAID-US
903650 United States Agency for International Development-Subcontracts USAID-US-SubK
903675 United States Botanic Garden USBG-US
903680 United States Botanic Garden-Subcontracts USBG-US-SubK
903900 Japan-United States Friendship Commission JUSFC-US
903910 Japan-United States Friendship Commission-Subcontracts JUSFC-US-SubK
904400 Justice, Department of DoJ-US
904500 Justice, Department of-Subcontracts DoJ-US-SubK
905800 Labor, Department of DoL-US
905900 Labor, Department of-Subcontracts DoL-US-SubK
906500 Library of Congress LC-US
906510 Library of Congress-Subcontracts LC-US-SubK
906700 Marine Mammal Commission MMC-US
906710 Marine Mammal Commission-Subcontracts MMC-US-SubK
906800 Millennium Challenge Corporation MCC-US
906810 Millennium Challenge Corporation-Subcontracts MCC-US-SubK
906900 Institute of Museum and Library Services IMLS-US
906910 Institute of Museum and Library Services-Subcontracts IMLS-US-SubK
907200 National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA-US
907300 National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Subcontracts NASA-US-SubK
907900 National Archives and Records Administration NARA-US
907910 National Archives and Records Administration-Subcontracts NARA-US-SubK
908100 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science NCLIS-US
908110 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science-Subcontracts NCLIS-US-SubK
908200 National Endowment for the Arts NEA-US
908210 National Endowment for the Arts-Subcontracts NEA-US-SubK
908400 National Endowment for the Humanities NEH-US
908410 National Endowment for the Humanities-Subcontracts NEH-US-SubK
908500 National Institute for Literacy NIL-US
908510 National Institute for Literacy-Subcontracts NIL-US-SubK
909300 National Science Foundation NSF-US
909400 National Science Foundation-Subcontracts NSF-US-SubK
909500 National Transportation Safety Board NTSB-US
909510 National Transportation Safety Board-Subcontracts NTSB-US-SubK
909700 Director of National Intelligence, Office of the ODNI-US
909701 Director of National Intelligence, Office of the-Subcontracts ODNI-US-SubK
909900 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC-US
909915 Nuclear Regulatory Commission-Subcontracts NRC-US-SubK
909920 Peace Corps PC-US
909925 Peace Corps-Subcontracts PC-US-SubK
909930 Office of Personnel Management OPM-US
909935 Office of Personnel Management-Subcontracts OPM-US-SubK
909950 United States Postal Service USPS-US
909955 United States Postal Service-Subcontracts USPS-US-SubK
909970 President, Executive Office of the EOP-US
909971 President, Executive Office of the-Subcontracts EOP-US-SubK
909980 Small Business Administration SBA-US
909990 Small Business Administration-Subcontracts SBA-US-SubK
911000 Smithsonian Institution SI-US
911010 Smithsonian Institution-Subcontracts SI-US-SubK
912000 Social Security Administration SSA-US
912010 Social Security Administration-Subcontracts SSA-US-SubK
916400 State, Department of DoS-US
916402 State, Department of-Subcontracts DoS-US-SubK
917000 Tennessee Valley Authority TVA-US
917010 Tennessee Valley Authority-Subcontracts TVA-US-SubK
917090 Trade and Development Agency TDA-US
917095 Trade and Development Agency-Subcontracts TDA-US-SubK
917175 Transportation, Department of-Federal Aviation Administration FAA-DoT-US
917180 Transportation, Department of-Federal Aviation Administration-Subcontracts FAA-DoT-US-SubK
917200 Transportation, Department of-Federal Highway Administration FHA-DoT-US
917210 Transportation, Department of-Federal Highway Administration-Subcontracts FHA-DoT-US-SubK
917250 Transportation, Department of-Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA-DoT-US
917255 Transportation, Department of-Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration-Subcontracts FMCSA-DoT-US-SubK
917300 Transportation, Department of-Federal Railroad Administration FRA-DoT-US
917325 Transportation, Department of-Federal Railroad Administration-Subcontracts FRA-DoT-US-SubK
917350 Transportation, Department of-Federal Transit Administration FTA-DoT-US
917375 Transportation, Department of-Federal Transit Administration-Subcontracts FTA-DoT-US-SubK
917400 Transportation, Department of-Maritime Administration MA-DoT-US
917450 Transportation, Department of-Maritime Administration-Subcontracts MA-DoT-US-SubK
917500 Transportation, Department of-National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA-DoT-US
917510 Transportation, Department of-National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-Subcontracts NHTSA-DoT-US-SubK
917600 Transportation, Department of-Other Other-DoT-US
917650 Transportation, Department of-Other-Subcontracts Other-DoT-US-SubK
919000 Treasury, Department of the Treasury-US
919050 Treasury, Department of the-Subcontracts Treasury-US-SubK
919100 United States Agency for Global Media USAGM-US
919110 United States Agency for Global Media-Subcontracts USAGM-US-SubK
919200 United States District Courts USDC-US
919225 United States District Courts-Subcontracts USDC-US-SubK
919400 Veterans Affairs, Department of VA-US
919450 Veterans Affairs, Department of-Subcontracts VA-US-SubK
919470 Vietnam Education Foundation VEF-US
919475 Vietnam Education Foundation-Subcontracts VEF-US-SubK

If the RA selected an incorrect sponsor code AND the correct code triggers additional submission requirements in eRPM, ORSP will return the PAF to the RA for required changes (i.e., system recalculates the ORSP Review Type based on the Deadline Policy guidelines). Otherwise, ORSP will simply correct the sponsor code.

Search Hints for eRPM

Use the wild card (%) and the acronym for the federal entity for a quick search return. 

The list of federal entities in eRPM rarely changes. Try to find the code first, but know that if you cannot, you may manually enter a sponsor name.